The management of JKH TRADER, SL S & S, SL, and TOTAL SHIRT SL, aware of the relevance that today has for the company to satisfy the needs and expectations of its customers, set up all the necessary resources to ensure that the activities developed of "Marketing and distribution of promotional textile garments", "marketing of personalized promotional clothing and other accessories" and "silk-screen printing of promotional textile garments and accessories", respectively, meet the requirements of UNE-EN ISO 9.001: 2015 and UNE- EN ISO 14.001: 2015 establishing an Integrated Management System to this effect.
The mission and priority goal of JKH TRADER, SL S & S, SL, and TOTAL SHIRT SL, as a company dedicated to "marketing and distribution of promotional textile garments", "marketing of personalized promotional textile garments and other accessories" and " Promotional textile accessories "respectively, along with the full satisfaction of our customers and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements; without forgetting to carry out these works with a commitment to the environment through the continuous improvement of the organizations (reduction of waste, minimization of consumption, control over emissions to the atmosphere and discharges), as well as prevention of pollution.
The vision of our organization is to establish safe workplaces for all members of the organization, to satisfy the needs of our clients, to encourage among our employees the training to achieve a better quality into customer service and the necessary awareness about our Responsibility in environmental matters, as well as to consistently promote an internal and external pollution prevention culture.
« Certificado BKMEA desde 2005 na qual a Associação Oficial de Fabricabtes e Exportadores Texteis de Bangladesh ratificam que a nossa fabrica não contrata mão de obra infantil e que cumpre com os requesitos internacionais no entorno adequado para o trabalho das pessoas. »
« Certificado Standard 100 de Oelo-Tex, onde certifica que os tecidos no apresentam nenhum tipo de problemas para a saude humana. »
« Sistema de Gestão de Qualidade e Gestão Ambiental baseados na norma UNE-EN ISO 9.001:2015 e a norma UNE-EN ISO 14.001.2015 »